Friday, November 7, 2008

A Sighting?????

I didn't think it could get any more obscure than seeing Gene Simmons in the Portland airport but it did. As Sean and I are making our way to our gate in Taipei we see this big white guy in a leather jacket walking towards us. I notice because there are very few white guys here. An airport attendant asks him if he is transferring and he says, Yeah- to Bangkok and I recognize him immediately.

It was Michael Madsen. No not an A-List celebrity but this guy has been in a hell of a lot of things and is probably most known for his role in Reservoir Dogs. Regardless, Sean and I were happy to see a celebrity.

1 comment:

danatestingsite said...

I think that's way cooler than seeing Gene Simmons, personally. Mr. Blonde! He was my favorite Resevoir Dog.