The rooms are nice, although not that big and the bed is like a foot off the floor.
It is Tuesday morning and we went in the search of breakfast. Walking right out of our hotel front door this is the first thing we see on our travels, looking left then looking right.
We head to the right, exciting choice I know, not sure what we are looking for as long as it appears to be edible and breakfast like in nature. Ideally, and many of you may already know this, but I would hope their is a Starbucks near the hotel.
About half way down the block this is the first sight of food we find after the clothing vendors:
Not what we were looking for to start the day. I really didn't want my first meal here to look back at me. So we kept walking and lo and behold we found the international sign for good food, the golden arches. Now, I know what many of you are thinking, you are in Hong Kong and went to McDonald's for breakfast? We walked around for a while looking for some baked goods or authentic Chinese breakfast food, but just didn't find it, so we settled.
After our breakfast we continued to explore the neighborhood. To be honest we didn't see too much, much of what we saw just reminded me of walking through Chinatown in any major city in the US.
Next up for today now that we have had breakfast is trying to find Asif. We know he is in town and staying in Metropark, but have no clue where that is in relation to where we are, North Point. Also, we don't have his cell phone number, so hopefully he wakes up soon and gets on IM so that we can coordinate a meeting. We also need to find out where we are supposed to be meeting up with the e-Crusade and HKTB folks on Wednesday morning. We didn't see a single cab near the hotel so we are going to try and figure out the subway system this afternoon.
Sorry about the formatting of my posts, but getting the pictures and text to layout properly has been a challenge for me.
This reminds me of when the Simpsons went to Tokyo and ate at a restaurant in Americatown.
I am so happy for you that you found Starbucks. :)I knew it couldn't be long, but I'm sure you were getting anxious!
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