Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last Day in Hong Kong

As William said in his post, our plan today was to go to The Peak, Stanley Market, the Rugby Store, and Causeway Bay. We landed up going 2 for 4 which is pretty good day in baseball.

Like most days this week my day started with a trip go McDonald's. I was thinking this morning that the manager is going to be very happy with the revenue this week with William, Asif and I being there so much. The joke is on them since they will have to explain the sudden drop in sales next week when we are gone. After eating we all regrouped to head out for our day of sight seeing. Our first sight was Starbucks since nobody had their coffee as of yet. We then took the subway to Central Station to make our way to The Peak.

To get to The Peak we had to take the tram goes up the side of the mountain. Once we found the tram to The Peak we learned we were in for the extra special treat of the Bunny Easter Fun Fun Fun exhibit once we got to the top.

Riding the tram was like going up the first drop on a roller coaster. I didn't have my protractor with me but I am venturing a guess that our angle up the mountain was anywhere between 45 and 75 degrees. This didn't sit well with William who looked at the floor most of the trip up and down the mountain.

The angle of the tram window and the scenery out the window should give perspective of the angle we had to take to get to the top.

Once we got to the top we had to go up another five floors to the observation deck which was amazing. We were so high up that clouds were literally hitting the mountain which made it a little hazy at times. Like the light show last night, I don't think any picture can do this scene justice but here are a few shots just to give you an idea.

After the Peak we made our way to Stanley Market, which William and I swore we could walk to since it looked close on the map in the subway station. Fortunately we decided to take a cab which got us there in about 3o minutes through narrow windy roads out of the city.

Stanley Market was really cool. It was like a giant flea market where we could get our haggle on.

The market was in this cool little town on the water. The town like most of Hong Kong gave you no indication that you were in an Asian country. Other than the millions of Chinese people and signs everywhere.

Overall it was a really good day. There were some disappointments though. We weren't able to find the Rugby store and we never made it to Causeway Bay. In addition, I wasn't able to fine any amusing signs today other than the Bunny Easter Fun Fun Fun exhibit, which by the way consisted of a few rabbits in a cage. I did however observe this scene.

While yes there is a picturesque Chinese fisherman docking his boat for the day but what is amusing is the fact that the dock consists of a mattress covered in plastic and netting. As William said, this gives a whole new meaning to the term "water bed". In addition, you have to love the ingenious use of surf boards and shipping pallets used here to make some sort of fishing vessel.

After a long day we make our way back to the hotel to rest up for our long journey back to the U.S. in the morning.

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