Thursday, November 6, 2008

Copy, Copy, Copy

So Thursday Sean and I do some work in the morning and head out around noon to do some sight seeing. We decide to go to The Peak since it is just an awesome site. We take the subway which I have to say is super easy. Good job Hong Kong. While I got us to the correct stop, I inadvertently take us out the wrong exit from the train station. We follow the signs and begin this crazy hike up a steep street.

This picture doesn't really do it justice, but this street seemed to climb for ever.

So we finally make it to the point and it is as awesome the second time as it is the first. Not as clear a day as last time I was there but still cool.

The Peak Observation deck

2IFC building which was featured in Dark Knight. It's the building he is standing on.

After The Peak we proceed to the Ladies Market to do some shopping at the suggestion of our client. I am hoping it is like Stanley Market and will present the opportunity to haggle. And no, it wasn't a market just for ladies.

After walking through about 5 blocks of tents we were very disappointed to find that every block seemed to be the exact stuff. In addition, every tent was selling copy watches. Every tent had people grabbing you saying "copy wathces? you want copy watches? copy, copy, copy!. As if that wasn't annoying enough, we walk by one woman who I'm pretty sure says to me "Hey Pussy, you want copy watch?" I ask Sean if I heard her correctly and he thinks I did. I hate the Ladies Market.

After that, Sean and I head back to the hotel since we are exhausted. I do some work and take a nap and Sean apparently went out for a walk and got lost for 2 hours. He'll have to explain how that happened.

1 comment:

sachin said...

I have join the IATA institute
thanks for sharing to all of you