Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Rebuttal and Conclusion.

First things first...I didn't wear that sweater again during the there wasn't a goat involved in Vegas... and i wasn't groping Lisa in that picture while I was trying to do revenue recognition (she was dancing and I was trying to swat her away). Also, the pics Jenny took were of me not of Brad Pitt...I know, I know, I've been mistaken for him more than once but it's something I have learned to deal with...The resemblance is uncanny.

So we kn
ow that Jenny and William are still out there missing Lisa and my company, but I'm sure they'll least I hope so. Here's my version on how things went down since I last wrote...

Wednesday was a whirlwind (to be modest). We've been taking advantage of the free continental breakfast at the hotel which consisted of scrambled eggs (yum), bacon (yum yum), english muffins (pretty yum), fruit (not bad), and muffins (blueberry muffins rocked). Sorry, no pics to show here...but just wait...this is going to be a long post...

Work-wise, Wednesday's SMX sessions were probably better than the first, but unfortunately some things came up so I wasn't able to concentrate on them as much as I'd like to. I'm pretty sure all of the presentations will eventually become available which is good since I had one ear on the sessions and two eyes on my laptop.

Here are a few pics from the first night's dinner at the Icon Grill. William dined there before and the theme of the restaurant was comfort food, which in short, means that it's delicious but you're going to feel like crap afterwards. Not very comforting...just look at William's face for proof.

During a conference break, Jenny, Lisa, and I headed over to Pike Place Market which was just a few blocks away from the SMX conference. They were kind enough to show me around since it was my first time in Seattle and it was definitely worth the trip. Jenny covered some of these in her last post, but here are a few additions from my standpoint. The photo's probably don't do it justice, but there was lots to see in marketplace.

Flowers...check. fish...check. name it, they had it. That lady in the orange shirt? Total hippie (she reeked of pot).

Is that Jenny Du above? Anyway...In the convention center, we stumbled across an interesting advertisement for the City of Seattle. According to Ron Burgundy (Anchor Man reference), I used to think that "San Francisco" meant "Whale's Vagina" in German...HOWEVER!...according to this picture set we were obviously wrong (sorry mom)...

Here's a Seattl
e advertisement that was in the conference center SMX was held. Unfortunately I don't think the agency that created it has ever heard of photoshop.

 least Lisa and I thought it was funny...

Anyway, because uploading and positioning photos on blogger is a pain in the ass, here are the final few from the last group dinner at the Metropolitan Grill. Amazing steakhouse and as Jenny mentioned, we had a great time and succeeded in embarrassing ourselves (pics of me in Jenny's post below). A sincere thanks to William for taking us out.

Well, I think that just about sums it up. I've posted even more uncensored X-Rated Seattle photos on my Flickr account (including uber-exciting pics of us doing revenue recognition and more eating and drinking) so feel free to check them out.
Sorry for the crappy formatting, but blogger sucks. Please don't fire me.

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