During my walk I quickly remembered I don't like California weather. The weather is at that in between stage where it's too chilly to wear shorts or short sleeves yet once you start walking your hot as all get out. Ok, that ends my negativity so I will move on to some observations.
Bee Warnings
While walking to the Santa Monica Pier I passed a bowling alley where the side walk was roped off with the following sign.
Never in my life have a seen a beware of the bees sign by I'm glad for the heads up. Thank you Santa Monica Bowl for the warning.
The parks and beaches have quite a few homeless people sleeping under palm trees. I know this sounds negative but not once did I get hassled for change, and never have I seen such nice tans.
Cross Walk Signals
I always joke that the cross walk buttons in Philly are installed with double back tape and have no electronic wiring in side. I refer to them as Fisher-Price buttons. You can push them but they don't do a damn thing much like the buttons on a child's toy. Well while standing at a red light I noticed that the light changed without giving me the walk signal. The signal changed twice before someone came along and hit the button which immediately changed the signal. Not only do these things actually work but they have voice over that states the intersection name, that its safe to cross and does a countdown of remaining seconds.
While walking down the street I observed this one section had Astroturf between the sidewalk and curb. What was even odder was that there were burnt spots. I must have looked crazy stooping down to feel this grass. The Astroturf was placed in dirt and must have had tears where they replaced the holes with regular grass that burned out.
Ok it's awful here, it took my cab 45 minutes to drive 4 miles and if I had to drive in it I would be bananas but looking at other drivers I noticed that nobody was frustrated. In addition, when I crossed at intersections, cars stopped and none of the cars behind the stopped car honked. In Philly, I routinely dodge cars who cant wait till I cross the street. Finally, people don't push through intersections when there is a traffic jam. In Philly, people will push through when the light turns yellow and get stuck in an intersection. Then when they block the intersection they play that game where they look straight ahead and pretend they don't see the cars trying to get through the intersection. Someone needs to come up with name for that move.
Iron Man
I had some time to kill this afternoon since I checked out of my hotel room and my flight wasn't until 10pm so I went and saw Iron Man. I never saw a movie by myself and never thought I would but it was worth it. Good movie, and you need to stay to the very end of the credits to get a sneak peek as to where the series is going. Additionally he flies over the Santa Monica Pier which I had visited the day before so I will point it out with a cocky attitude when I watch the movie with others.
No Celebrities
I'm disappointed to say i didn't see any celebrities but some guy stopped me and swore he knew me. Maybe my Hong Kong celebrity status has finally reached the shores of the west coast. It wont be long before it catches up with me on the east coast.
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